
Daily Cleaning Services Manchester

Premiserv is a Daily Cleaning Services professional, a bespoke cleaning service provider you can trust!

With over 10 years’ experience of providing cleaning services in Manchester, Premiservs’ Daily Cleaning Service has a team of dedicated cleaning operatives who are highly experienced in commercial cleaning, we understand your need for the service, and we guarantee we will meet your requirements effectively.

Premiserv are providing a reliable cleaning service, for daily cleaning services in Manchester is renowned for providing professional, consistent commercial cleaning services to give you peace of mind so that you may work with the comfort of knowing your site is clean and safe.

Our dedicated, highly skilled cleaning operatives ensure the service you require is met to the highest standards whilst working safely.

Our highly trained employees understand the importance of efficient, pro-active working without compromising quality. All cleaning operatives are offered comprehensive management support ensuring they can perform their duties to the highest possible standards. The cleaning team is supported in cleaning their assigned duties so that they become familiar with their working routine, and therefore managing our expectations by doing so.

As a Commercial Cleaning Company in Manchester, we understand that our environmental impact is extremely important, and our environmental footprint is always at the forefront of what we do, careful consideration is given at all stages to be cleaner, greener and environmentally friendly by adhering to our ‘Reduce, Recycle, Reuse’ policy.

All the cleaning products we use are locally sourced and designed to minimise the impact on the health of our cleaners, site employees and the wider environment.  Not only do we think about and apply this approach to our products, but we are committed to applying this approach to the wider business by promoting bikes as a mode of transport, car sharing, the implementation of our electronic clocking management system, our e-Quality Site Audits and in our longer-term strategy, we are even looking into the possibility of using electric vehicles. We understand our environmental responsibility and will always review our methods and products to ensure we continue to reduce our environmental impacts. 

Through our extensive experience we understand the importance of keeping areas within a site clean, more importantly delivery vs productivity, therefore careful consideration is given when assessing which equipment is provided on site.

As a specialist cleaning provider, we ensure that from instruction, all our equipment is PAT tested accordingly and is completed by our PAT Certified Operations Manager to give you peace of mind that our equipment is safe to use.

Premiservs Daily Cleaning Services Manchester adopts a promote from within culture and has a commitment to invest in all our employees. We upskill our employees by offering various in-house and external training as well as providing a Reward and Recognition Scheme enhancing our commitment to our employees and therefore promoting longevity, consistency and reducing absence within our workforce.

Our mobile cleaning team can be deployed to assist our Sites whenever required and through their extensive experience and training can get to work as soon as possible.

As daily cleaning service, we can offer regular office cleaning, school cleaning, school caretaking, warehouse and factory cleaning, retail cleaning, carpet cleaning and exterior window cleaning and can also provide deep cleans.

Don’t just take our word for it, call us and ask about our current clients!