Periodic toilet deep cleaning to remove dirt, grime, bacteria and viri are an essential part of a regular washroom cleaning problem. Clean and tidy washroom environments are essential . Specialist toilet deep cleaning remove hidden germs and bacteria. A specialist toilet deep clean and washroom cleaning service is a necessity to ensure you are providing a hygienic washroom environment for your visitors and employees alike. Insanitary and unhygienic toilets and washrooms allow the essy transmisssion of illness resulting in a higher absence rate amoung collegues.
Premiserv toilet deep cleaning and washroom cleaning services thoroughly deeep clean and sanitises all areas of your washroom facilites incuding sanitary ware and washroom furniture. Our specialist deep cleaning teams use the latest equipment and specialist cleaning chemicals. We efficiently therefore cost effectively achieve excellent results time after time.
We clean toilets, urinals and basins, the floors, walls and all fixtures within the washroom. We can also provide a minor repairs service replacing defective parts, painting, replacing tiles, re-grouting, grouting restoration, and replacing sealant. The combination of cleaning and renewal thought minor repairs will completely remove all odour causing bacteria from the washroom.